The Remarkable Life of the Skin

The Remarkable Life of the Skin: An intimate journey across our surface , by Monty Lyman, 2019, is a science book for the general public about the body’s largest organ. Lyman is a medical doctor in Oxford, UK, specializing in dermatology who has worked in different areas of the world for his training as well as for researching case studies for this book. This book is my choice for the category Health of the 2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. The book is organized into 10 chapters which focus on the various aspects of our skin. For example: ‘Skin Safari,’ describing the various layers and microbes of the skin; ‘Towards the Light,’ about the sun’s effect on the skin; ‘Ageing Skin,’ self-explanatory; ‘Psychological Skin,’ looking at ways people are affected by skin conditions and illnesses; ‘Social Skin,’ detailing how the kind of skin we have (diseases, color, tattoos, etc.) influences how we are perceived by others; etc. In addition, there is a Glossary, an extensive Referen...