Word By Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries
For the first book of the 2022 NONFICTION READER CHALLENGE , I read Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries , by Kory Stamper, 2017, in the category Language. Kory Stamper is a lexicographer for Merriam-Webster dictionary and writes about her experiences there by focusing on different words she has worked with and how they reveal peculiarities of the English language. In particular, it is quite a challenge to write a definition of a word, and she describes this in detail that is both fascinating and funny. She also reveals a lot of information about how a dictionary is created and updated, reflecting the changing nature of language. Each chapter focuses on one word (which is also the title of the chapter) to illustrate how it reveals some aspect of working with language. For example, the chapter “Irregardless” is subtitled “On Wrong Words” (and I was surprised to find out that she proves irregardless is not a wrong word!). The chapter “Bitch” is “On Bad Words;” “Nuclear” is ...