The Great Detective: The Amazing Rise and Immortal Life of Sherlock Holmes
First, let me make it clear that I am a Sherlock Holmes fan, and have been one since I was 13. So when I heard about the book, The Great Detective: The Amazing Rise and Immortal Life of Sherlock Holmes by Zach Dundas, it was clear that I would have to read it. The book follows the search of Dundas – also a lifelong Holmes fan – as he sets out to learn “Why have Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and the mysteries Conan Doyle challenged them to solve not only endured, but thrived?” Unfortunately, he never really answers that question, but perhaps it cannot really be answered. Instead, he learns a lot about clubs and venues devoted to Holmes, travels to places where some of the stories took place, and unearths a lot of information about the background of the author, the characters and stories as well as the history of the actors, performances, and related media that the original stories inspired. On that level, it’s an extremely detailed book – but only for fans of Sherlock Holmes, or...